Summer Music Camp Scholarship Application

The Bloomington Normal Youth Symphony is excited to announce three Music Camp Scholarships available to our members for this summer. They are the Carson & Iris Varner Music Camp Scholarship to Blue Lake Music Camp, the Deanne Bryant Music Camp Scholarship to be used to attend a camp of your choice and the Eric Varner Memorial Scholarship also to be used to attend a camp of your choice.


  • A member of the Bloomington Normal Youth Symphony may be eligible for a scholarship if they meet the following eligibility requirements:

    • Youth up to Grade 11 Applicants: Each applicant must have completed a minimum of one FULL season with the Bloomington Normal Youth Symphony. (The current season may be counted towards this, as long as the student started in the fall and participates the full spring semester.) Applicants must commit to completing a full future season with the BNYS.

    • OR

    • Graduating Seniors and Other Students (up to age 22): Graduating Seniors must have completed a minimum of two FULL seasons with the Bloomington Normal Youth Symphony and have serious future musical ambitions.

  • Each BNYS applicant must complete the three page application in full. Students should complete the application, NOT their parent or guardian.

  • All applications must be received on or before December 1 for consideration by the Scholarship Selection Committee.

  • Scholarship announcements will be made before the end of the fall semester.

  • The decision(s) of the Scholarship Selection Committee shall be final.

  • Scholarship awards are considered a one-time award. Students are eligible to reapply in future years as long as they meet the necessary student eligibility requirements.

  • Scholarship awards shall be decided by the Scholarship Selection Committee based on musical merit and/or financial need.

  • Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the Summer Music Camp Institution.

  • Scholarships will be awarded upon proof of acceptance or registration confirmation from the Summer Music Camp Institution. It is the responsibility of the student to forward such information to Music Director Logan Campbell at


  • The scholarship applied for must be directly applied to the PRIMARY instrument played in the Bloomington Normal Youth Symphony.

  • If a conflict evolves and the chosen scholarship recipient cannot attend the Summer Music Camp, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the BNYS Conductor or Manager as soon as possible.

  • It is expected that scholarship recipients attend the required sessions and activities at the Summer Music Camp.

  • If a scholarship recipient is unable to attend their chosen camp after scholarship funds have been distributed:

    • The scholarship recipient and his or her parent/guardian must assist, as necessary, to ensure the BNYS receives a full refund.

    • If a full refund is unavailable, the scholarship recipient shall submit a letter to the Scholarship Selection Committee as soon as possible. This letter shall detail the circumstances surrounding their lack of attendance.

    • If the Scholarship Selection Committee determines that irresponsibility played a role in the loss of scholarship funds, the Committee may require the scholarship money be repaid to the BNYS by a mutually agreeable date.